My name is Anne and I am an educator in Morocco since 2017 (the 1st local educator). Thanks to PRH-France, I have not been alone: since the beginning educators have been supporting us. Two Moroccans will soon be endorsed in the PRH helping relationship. There is also a group of 7 people, consisting of friends, promoters and a collaborator. And a website is under construction as well.
In 2022, after Covid, we were able to experience the session “Becoming fully authentic”, face-to-face with people closely involved with PRH. Agnès, from France came to animate this session and to accompany us.
During Agnès’ stay, another meeting took place with the group of 7, focusing on the viability of PRH-Morocco.
We came out of this double meeting (made possible by the physical presence of Agnès) with a lot of energy as well as more clarity: about how to manage our feelings of dedication to PRH, how to best serve PRH’s mission in Morocco and the possible commitment of everyone. PRH in Morocco has a future!
For this, a great THANK YOU from us to IAAR for the payment of Agnès’ plane ticket (for us, it was too expensive). It feels so good to experience this solidarity with everyone …. so that PRH can be further deployed in the world.
Sincerely yours, donors of the IAAR.
Anne Balenghien
PRH Morocco Certified Trainer