
At present Morocco has one educator. Two others are completing their training to become an animator and will then start their professional training.  Six others are following a personal training route spanning three years. There is also a growing number of voluntary collaborators. Together they reach more and more people that are undergoing the PRH-education.  To give all this more shape, they need support because they are still unable to offer all trainings programs. For this reason, they receive help from a senior educator from France, who offers these training programs in Morocco twice-yearly and guides them to more independence as a team.
The local group following these programs go to great lengths: they follow intensive training paths, travel great distances and pay as large a contribution as is possible themselves.  In order to cut costs, when feasible they work through Skype, but this is not an appropriate medium for everything.   The IAAR supports this project so that this team can develop further and thus give the PRH-education more opportunities in this country.

What is the cost of this project?

The expenses are more or less € 2500 per year.From this sum is paid the twice-yearly travels from France for the educator who guides them, because the team does not have the means to afford this themselves.Along with this, other candidates who cannot pay for all expenses involved in their training, are supported as well. Should you wish to support this project, mention the following on your bank transfer: ‘Project support team Morocco’

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