During the IAAR meeting, we had ‘zoom contact’ with our educator from Tanzania, Margaret. She told us about her work as an educator in times of Covid.
For us in Belgium it is not always straightforward to work under Covid circumstances, but al least we have the luxury of 24/7 internet connections and of electricity – something which PRH educators and PRH participants in Tanzania can only dream of. Even under normal circumstances, conditions there are fairly complex, and now in times of Covid, things are even trickier.
Like this Margaret tells us that, for example for a ‘Who Am I?’ session, three times the normal duration has to be provided if she wants to give all the participants ample time to follow all the formation days.
Nevertheless, in spite of these conditions we still hear her enthusiasm and drive to continue and to face the challenges that Covid presents, to look for solutions and give all participants the opportunity to make use of the PRH education.
I feel inspired by her enthusiasm and hear a call to continually explore possibilities to acquire funding to fill the IAAR drawer.
Today, more than ever, I deem it important to make PRH possible in the world and to give people the opportunity to become themselves departing from their inner being, and thus contribute to a more humane world.
I feel grateful for today’s close contact with far-away Tanzania. With only a few clicks of the mouse and despite a number of interrupted internet connection errors, the bond was tangible and uplifting.
Cathy – PRH-collaborator and member of the IAAR workgroup